A selection of key projects and initiatives.
Selected Tag: connecting
MADE TO MEASURE was an artistic data experiment by Laokoon that explored how tech companies like Google and Facebook used vast datasets and algorithms to predict human behaviour. By analysing one person’s Google data, they created a real-life double — a performer who embodied the individual’s personality, desires, and vulnerabilities. The project shed light on how the online ad industry exploits personal data to target individuals in moments of vulnerability, turning digital interactions into an automated auction.
Through an interactive storytelling website, Laokoon revealed these hidden mechanisms, raising questions about freedom in an age where behaviour is calculated and influenced. I was able to support the project by contributing to concept development, sound design, and user tracking analysis, helping to deepen its exploration of digital surveillance and its societal impact.
The project was developed by the artists’ group Laokoon in cooperation with the Federal Cultural Foundation and staged in analogue form by PACT Zollverein.