An archival overview of publications and writings.
Over at Permutations I explore the concepts, questions, and tools that help us rethink how the world works—and how it could work better.
I regularly write about re-thinking public innovation at protocol (in German).

Öffentliche Innovation Neu denken
Paradigmenwechsel in der Verwaltung: Systemische Innovation für gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen.
Springer Nature (2025)

Digital Civil Society: A Maturing Field
Exploring the landscape of digital civil society in Germany.
For Stiftung Mercator. (2024)

What Got us here Won't Get Us Out of Here
Exploring pathways toward a More-Than-Human-Centered Public Design. (2022)

Prinzipien und Leitplanken einer zukunftsfähigen Daseinsvorsorge
Forschungslinie „Zukunftsfähige Daseinsvorsorge“. For Institut für Zukunftsstudien und Technologiebewertung, and Wuppertal Institut (2022)

Pathfinder Social Innovation in Urban Development
A publication of the International Smart Cities Network (2022)

Designing good systems after 2020
What to make of a year of crisis
For ThingsCon RIOT (2020)